Vector Projects

Teresa Shannon Vector project Week 8

While browsing the news the title of an article caught my eye.   The combination of politics and out right meanness stuck with me and became the catalysis for my illustrator project.
To create this “advertisement” I searched for images of KFC ads online and singled out this one. 

This became my template, and I began gathering other images that I could bring together to create an ad with the same feel as the original but with artistic license.
I downloaded an image of the American flag and used the image trace tool to make it look more illustrated. It still felt to light in color for my purposes so in Photoshop I placed the flag over a black background and merged the layers.  This gave the flag the darker and more sinister effect I was looking for.  I also used Photoshop to crop out the images of Hillary Clintons head, a cooked chicken and the bucket of KFC chicken merging these images together to create one artistic element.  I then opened the bucket image in illustrator and used the trace tool and High Fidelity photo to alter the look.

As children we are taught the importance of sportsmanship and that loosing my be painful or hard but its important to keep your integrity.  The current state of our government shows that our politicians have forgotten this simple yet invaluable fact.  Attacking your opponent in such a personal and mean-spirited way is unacceptable. Perhaps we need to go back to the basics, be it sportsmanship or the golden rule, and there gain some perspective.
Post- Critique

Chequamegon Bollinger - Vector Project - Editorial Illustration and Representation - Week 8

My vector graphic represents an article titled "Boy Art from Outer Space." This article will explore the phenomenon of male contemporary artists using character and comic based imagery in their artwork. There are many questions surrounding this work, what purpose does the subject matter serve for the artist? What is the cultural significance? Who is collecting this work?

Krystal Aguilar - Week 8 - Editorial Illustration and Representation
Article: American Idol: PwC Accounting Edition

The CNNMoney article is about a program that encourages an in-house Pricewaterhouse Coopers competition for profitable solutions to be used internally.
Aesthetically, I chose a design with the title on top of the image in order to give it context and visual organization. I was particular with the way the text communicated to the reader as well as the overall illustration. In order to get my objective done, I utilized the expand, fill, color selector, dragging, select, shape, object, transform,  noise, curves, font, italic, line, and text on path tools.
In the article title I chose to italicize the "w", use a white background, add part of logo, specifically on the top right, above the text to mimic how the PwC logo (below). I also tried use similar font in the illustration to both the PwC and American Idol logo. I made a stage sign that replaced the American Idol one with the more article-appropriate, PowerPitch, the name of the competition. I adjusted the curves and noise of a photograph of the American Idol stage o make it more suitable for a magazine.
Conceptually, I wanted the content of the article to fill the stage. The people will be "performing" but not for the seemingly sincere teamwork and innovation factor. The whole premise and show is to make money. Overall, I am satisfied with the final result and hope that it could compliment the article in CNNMoney or similar industry related digital or print magazine.

Kristina Ricci

The topic I chose for my article is about aquaponic systems, the way they are used and the benefits they have on our society.  My goal for this project was to illustrate aquaponics as clean and efficient systems, which cater to the needs of fish, plants, and people.  I wanted to make a picture that moves the eye in a cycle similar to the cycle of auquaponics but without literally drawing a circle to represent that cycle.  My reasoning behind having the fish in the sky was because the cycle starts with the fish.  The waste products from the fish act as nutrients for the plants to grow, then plants filter the water that goes back to the fish. On the left side there is the presence of one hand, I kept that hand to demonstrate the minimal need for people for a high yield from the systems.  I kept the color scheme limited because I wanted it too feel fresh and clean because of the nature of the systems.

I started with pictures found on the Internet. I then image traced them and played with the number of colors in each picture.  I started off with the plants picture where I deleted the person’s head, the sky, and the bottom of the picture.  The challenge was deleting the areas in between the roots.  I also used the painting tool to add in more roots to make some areas less awkward.   From there I tested out different pictures that ended up not making the cut.  I played with different types of fish and the placement of them.  I added the picture of the blue fish tanks at the bottom, which lead me to change the original fish to a new picture of goldfish.  I cut out the goldfish and placed them on top of an image of clouds in the sky. My final step was to add the text, which I wanted to be simple and straightforward to complement the article. 


Krystal Aguilar - Black and White Negative Space Introductory Vector Project

Teresa Shannon- Vector project

Chequamegon Bollinger - Type Exercise - Gigantomachy

Warning: May Contain Truth-Tess McDonald

Hypothetical article tag:
“The MPAA’s (Motion Picture Association of America) rules raise fierce debates about the  censorship of art and film.”

For this piece I was inspired by some of my film student friends who have a lot to say about the MPAA. I wanted to first draw a connection between other art forms and film. I did this by using a classical sculpture (Venus De Milo) and replacing her head with a special film camera (Black Magic) and putting a slate at her feet. This is to show that film is just as much an art form as sculpture (or painting, or drawing, etc.). I then wanted to convey how the MPAA is restricting the art of film by using the background color, shapes, and text. I used red lines to symbolize both "red tape" and bars of containment. The color choices serve to draw the viewer in, shock their eyes with the typical red and yellow of cautionary signs, and to make the achromatic subject stand out. The text at the bottom became the title of my hypothetical article, pulling from the ideas of art portraying the truth, and the censorship of film.
On the technical side, this piece was fairly simple. I cut the camera, slate, and sculpture out of their original photos in Photoshop with the magnetic lasso tool, then exported them to Illustrator. Once assembles, and the slate skewed, I transformed them into a vector with trace. I then added the background shapes with the rectangle tool and typed over them in black.

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