Stop motion animation: The Mysterious Stranger
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This video was made to be part of a claymation movie called the Adventures of Mark Twain which follows Twain and the characters of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Becky Thatcher as they explore several of Mark Twain's stories. This piece was adapted from Twain's final novel, The Mysterious Stranger. As seen in the video, the three children meet an "angel" named Satan whose face continually changed shape. They then construct a small village and people from clay which is then animated and ultimately destroyed by the mysterious stranger.
This video is a great example of stop motion animation because it shows how clay can be used to do things that are otherwise very difficult if not impossible. They clay also adds to the entire feel of the video.
MotMI: Pawel Wojtasik
Pawel Wojtasik is a film and photo artist living in Brooklyn. Although he only started making art in his fifties, his work is modern and relevant. In his artist's statement it says his videos are about facing fear. I love this idea of approaching fear from an abstract perspective. His videos are peaceful and yet disturbing. I find that the music and zoomed in camera angles of this piece give it an odd "horror movie" feel. He uses sound and interesting perspective in many of his videos to achieve this feeling of unease.
The above video is called "the Aquarium", more videos can be found on his website:
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