Thursday, September 26, 2013

Krystal Aguilar - Challenge Truth - Week 1

Topic: An image that challenges the idea of truth and photography.

“Instagram Girlfriend Hand”
I chose the Instagram-catered images of Keisuke Jinushi because “every joke has some truth to it.” This image perfectly aligns with challenging the idea of truth and photography because in these images it looks like his girlfriend is being playful and affectionate with him, but in actuality there is no girlfriend. We are inclined to think vision and photographs always tell the truth; hence, the phrase, “seeing is believing.” This is a false. Although the images themselves are not manipulates, Jinushi does use a sleight of hand. He appropriated the usual snapshots we see in our Instagram feed of lovey-dovey couples spending time together, all, in order to represent exactly that. His other half … of his body, specifically his arm, is supposed to represent a girlfriend. If I were first to look at the photographs and not pay attention to the article’s pretense; the image would communicate to me that this gentlemen is happily in love with his sweet girlfriend. That is visual cyber communication for you, not really reality.

The ways we use technology to communicate and live in an online community has it’s positives but also, its downsides. We share our photographs and updates our “friends” on our live’s but this does not always reflect the truth or reality. We are a brand whether we realize it or not. We manage our digital persona with shaping perceptions.There is an extreme people can go to however. This can be in part to a combination of societal pressures and the newer “needs” of the youthful generations.

I brought in a photograph that means the most to me on week 1 as well.

"La Madonna Riposata"
Julia Margaret Cameron*

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